Stone Division, Revisited

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    code for java7:

    import java.util.*;
    class Result {
        // Memoization table
        private static Map<Long, Long> memo = new HashMap<>();
        // Method to perform stone division
        public static long stoneDivision(long n, List<Long> s) {
            // If the number of stones is 1 or no valid divisor exists, no further splits are possible
            if (n == 1) {
                return 0;
            // If we've already computed the result for this number of stones, return it
            if (memo.containsKey(n)) {
                return memo.get(n);
            long maxMoves = 0;
            boolean validSplit = false;
            // Try to split the pile using each number in S
            for (long x : s) {
                if (n % x == 0 && n != x) {  // Ensure we only divide when n > x to prevent infinite recursion
                    validSplit = true;
                    long numOfPiles = n / x;
                    // One move for splitting and then recursively process the smaller piles
                    long moves = numOfPiles * stoneDivision(x, s) + 1;
                    maxMoves = Math.max(maxMoves, moves);
            // If no valid splits are possible, return 0 moves
            if (!validSplit) {
                memo.put(n, 0L);
                return 0L;
            // Store the result in memoization table and return
            memo.put(n, maxMoves);
            return maxMoves;
        // Method to clear memoization table
        public static void clearMemo() {
    public class Solution {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
            int q = Integer.parseInt(bufferedReader.readLine().trim());
            for (int qItr = 0; qItr < q; qItr++) {
                String[] firstMultipleInput = bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" ");
                long n = Long.parseLong(firstMultipleInput[0]);
                int m = Integer.parseInt(firstMultipleInput[1]);
                String[] sTemp = bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" ");
                List<Long> s = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                    long sItem = Long.parseLong(sTemp[i]);
                // Clear memoization table before processing a new query
                long result = Result.stoneDivision(n, s);
  • + 1 comment

    My C program prints correct result in test run (see below for Test Case 1), But after I submit it, it failed the Test Case 1. What did I do wrong?

    Your Output (stdout)
    Debug output
  • + 1 comment

    I have been testing using the C-code base. I inserted the following simple code:

    long stoneDivision (long n, int s_count, long* s) {
        printf ("30\n");
        return (30);

    I compiled it on my RedHat 8.7 system. When I run it with the test input, it cored (tmp.c is the C-code base + above 4 lines of code):

    # gcc tmp.c
    # a.out
    4                       <-- input one line at a time
    64 5             
    2 4 8 16 64
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Looks like there is some issue with the original C-code base.



    typedef long long llong;
    llong stoneDivision(llong n, vector<llong> const& s, size_t i = 0)
        static unordered_map<llong, llong>* memo;
        if (!memo) {
            auto s1 = s;
            sort(s1.begin(), s1.end(), greater<llong>());
            memo = new unordered_map<llong, llong>();
            llong d = stoneDivision(n, s1);
            delete memo; memo = NULL;
            return d;
        llong d = 0, key = (n << 10) | i;
        auto it = memo->find(key);
        if (it != memo->end()) return it->second;
        for (; i < s.size(); i++)
            if (n > s[i] && n % s[i] == 0)
                d = max(d, 1 + n / s[i] * stoneDivision(s[i], s, i));
        return ((*memo)[key] = d);

    This problem permits a really short recursive solution.
    Generally I prefer non-recursive approaches, as recursion tends to be slow (even with memo) and recursion depth limits may apply. However recursive solutions give more concise and elegant code.


    from functools import cache
    def stoneDivision(n, s):
        def val(x):
            divs = [i for i in s if x%i == 0 and i!=x]
            return max(1 + val(i) * x//i for i in divs) if divs else 0
        return val(n)