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Basic Statistics Warmup
Basic Statistics Warmup
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import numpy as np from collections import Counter import math
n = int(input()) array = np.array(input().split(),int)
mean = round(np.mean(array),1) median = round(np.median(array),1) std = round(np.std(array),1)
count = Counter(array) max_count = max(count.values())
mode = min([num for num, freq in count.items() if freq == max_count])
def calculate_confidence_interval(mean, std, N, z_score=1.96): lower_confidence = round((mean - z_score * (std / math.sqrt(N))), 1) upper_confidence = round((mean + z_score * (std / math.sqrt(N))), 1) return lower_confidence, upper_confidence
lower, upper = calculate_confidence_interval(mean, std, n)
print(mean) print(median) print(mode) print(std) print(lower, upper)
You can use these statistical calculations to provide valuable insights. For example, you could calculate and display the average age of pets, identify the most common pet breeds, determine size variation, and even assess the confidence interval for pet-related statistics. These insights can help pet owners and enthusiasts make informed decisions and gain a better understanding of the pet community.