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SQL Project Planning
SQL Project Planning
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WITH LaggedProjects AS ( SELECT Task_ID, Start_Date, End_Date, LAG(End_Date) OVER (ORDER BY End_Date) AS Prev_End_Date FROM Projects ), ProjectGroups AS ( SELECT Task_ID, Start_Date, End_Date, SUM(CASE WHEN Prev_End_Date = Start_Date THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) OVER (ORDER BY End_Date) AS Project_ID FROM LaggedProjects ), ProjectDurations AS ( SELECT Project_ID, MIN(Start_Date) AS Project_Start, MAX(End_Date) AS Project_End, DATEDIFF(day, MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date)) AS Duration FROM ProjectGroups GROUP BY Project_ID ) SELECT Project_Start, Project_End FROM ProjectDurations ORDER BY Duration ASC, Project_Start ASC;
With Cte1 as (Select Start_Date, row_number() over(order by Start_Date) as rn From Projects where Start_Date not in (Select End_Date From Projects) ), Cte2 as ( Select End_Date, row_number() over(order by End_Date) as rn From Projects where End_Date not in (Select Start_Date From Projects)) Select Cte1.Start_Date,Cte2.End_Date From Cte1 Join Cte2 on Cte2.rn = Cte1.rn order by Datediff(Day,start_Date,End_Date), Start_Date
%sql with start_date_cte as ( select *,dense_rank() over ( order by task_id asc) as rownum from ( select *,datediff(day,l,start_date) as dd from ( select start_date,end_date,task_id ,lag(start_date,1) over(order by end_date) as l from projects ) ) where dd!=-1 or dd is null) , end_date_cte as ( select *, dense_rank() over ( order by task_id asc) as rownum from ( select *,datediff(day,l,start_date) as dd from( select start_date,end_date,task_id ,lead(start_date,1) over(order by end_date) as l from projects ) ) where dd!=1 or dd is null ) select s.start_date,e.end_date from start_date_cte s join end_date_cte e on s.rownum=e.rownum;