Special String Again


    Cpp solution - all test cases passed.

    /*To approach this problem, its crucial to understand how to fetch all palindromes from a string
    as it is a variation of that problem*/
    long substrCount(int n, string s) {
        /*Conditons for palindrome:
        A.- All of the characters are the same, e.g. aaa.
        B.- All characters except the middle one are the same, e.g. aadaa.
        long palCount = 0; 
        /*Two "pointers" in order to slide left and right to find palindrome*/
        int rPos = 0, lPos = 0;
        //Main loop that will traverse string
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            //We set both "pointers" to i
            rPos = lPos = i;
            char letter = s[i];
            /*If where we are pointing, is within the interval of string and "pointers" value are the same
            that means that we found a palindrome, however, we must check if palindrome fullfill conditons A and B */
            while ((rPos < n) && (lPos >= 0) && (s[rPos] == s[lPos]))
                //Check if all letters are the same, or first letter
                if (s[rPos] == letter)
                    /*If letters differ, then we have to check if we already moved our "pointers" from the
                    starting position "i"*/
                    if (rPos - i <= 1)
                        /*This means we have not done that, so this means that we are in the first iteration of i
                        we increase the count and set the new letter to upper and lower limit of our first palindrome of
                        lenght > 1*/
                        /*As you can see here, a new letter is set, this means that for all of the next iterations,
                        all letters must match new letter*/
                        letter = s[rPos];
                        /*No match, so we break and "i" is incremented*/
            //Same process but for substrings of pair size
            rPos = i + 1;
            lPos = i;
            letter = s[i];
            /*If we have abba string, we will start evaluating substr(0,2) -> "ab",
            in this case, this while loop has a slight modification than the previous one, 
            here, we just have to make sure that all of the letters are the same*/
            while ((rPos < n) && (lPos >= 0) && (s[rPos] == s[lPos]) && (s[rPos] == letter))
        return palCount;