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C++ solution. I tried to fit in 30 lines. Without success :) The main part of the algorithm is explained by nickww718
int getCell(uint64_t board, int idx) { return (board&(15LL<<(idx<<2)))>>(idx<<2); } void setCell(uint64_t &board, int idx, int value) { board = board &(~(15LL<<(idx<<2)))|(uint64_t(value)<<(idx<<2)); } string simplifiedChessEngine(vector<vector<char>> const& whites, vector<vector<char>> const& blacks, int moves, int curMove = 1, uint64_t board = 0) { if (curMove==1) //board=4*4*{0FFP},F:figute,P:player for (int plr = 0; plr < 2; plr++) for (auto& f : plr?blacks:whites) //ABCDE setCell(board, f[1]-'A' + ((f[2] - '1') << 2), //FGHIJ plr | "60000000000040028"[f[0] - 'B'] - '0'); //KL*NO int plr = (curMove & 1) ^ 1, cell1 = 0, x = 0, y = 0; //PQRST if (curMove > moves) return plr ? "YES" : "NO"; //UVWXY char figMoves[5][9]={"","NIHGLQRS","JDBFPVXT","IGQS","NHLR" }; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) if ((cell1 = getCell(board, i)) && (cell1 & 1) == plr) for (char* m = figMoves[cell1 >> 1]; *m; m++) for (int d = 1, e = ((cell1>>1)==2?1:3); d <= e; d++) { if ((x = (i & 3) + d * ((*m-'A')%5-2)) >= 0 && x < 4 && (y = (i >> 2) + d * ((*m-'A')/5-2)) >= 0 && y < 4) { uint64_t oldBoard = board; int cell2 = getCell(board, x | (y << 2)); if (cell2) { if ((cell2 & 1) == plr) break; else if ((cell2 >> 1) == 1) return"YES"; } setCell(board, i, 0); setCell(board, x | (y << 2), cell1); if (simplifiedChessEngine( whites, blacks, moves, curMove + 1, board) == "NO") return "YES"; board = oldBoard; if (cell2)break; } else break; } return "NO"; }
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Simplified Chess Engine
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C++ solution. I tried to fit in 30 lines. Without success :) The main part of the algorithm is explained by nickww718