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function readLine(): string {
return inputLines[currentLine++];
class TextEditor {
private currentText:string;
// Enter your code here
this.currentText =""
// Enter your code here
// Enter your code here
// Enter your code here
// Enter your code here
type EditorMethod = "append" | "delete" | "print" | "undo";
function main() {
const commandMap =
{"1": "append",
"2": "delete",
"3" : "print",
"4": "undo" } as const;
const textEditor = new TextEditor();
inputLines.map((inputLine:string) => {
const [command, input] = inputLine.split(" ") as ["1"|"2"|"3"|"4", string]
const method = commandMap[command]
if (method == "undo") return textEditor.undo()
if (method == "append") return textEditor.append(input);
return textEditor[method](Number(input))
} );
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Simple Text Editor
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typescript boilerplate: 'use strict';
process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf-8'); let inputString: string = ''; let inputLines: string[] = []; let currentLine: number = 0; process.stdin.on('data', function(inputStdin: string): void { inputString += inputStdin; });
process.stdin.on('end', function(): void { inputLines = inputString.split('\n'); inputString = ''; main(); });
function readLine(): string { return inputLines[currentLine++]; }
class TextEditor { private currentText:string; // Enter your code here constructor(){ this.currentText ="" } append(w:string){ // Enter your code here } delete(k:number){ // Enter your code here } print(k:number){ // Enter your code here } undo(){ // Enter your code here } }
type EditorMethod = "append" | "delete" | "print" | "undo";
function main() { const commandMap = {"1": "append", "2": "delete", "3" : "print", "4": "undo" } as const;