Short Palindrome Discussions | Algorithms | HackerRank

Short Palindrome


    Python 3 solution

    This problem is similar to Count Triplets

    import string

    from collections import defaultdict

    def shortPalindrome(s): # Write your code here

    # frequency of characters
    chars = defaultdict(int) 
    # frequency of substrings 'ij', e.g. pair['ij'] = 2
    pairs = defaultdict(int) 
    # frequency of substrings 'iJJ'
    triples = defaultdict(int)
    mod = 10**9 + 7
    count = 0
    for j in s:
        # triples[j] is the total number of substrings of 'jAA'
        # we have seen so far
        # e.g., 'jaa', 'jbb', 'jcc' etc, starting with 'j'
        count += triples[j]
        for i in set(string.ascii_lowercase):   
            triples[i] += pairs[i+j]
            pairs[i+j] += chars[i]
        chars[j] += 1    
    return count % mod