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8 Discussions




    import scala.collection.mutable
    object Solution {
      private abstract class Step(val direction: Byte) {
        def +(other: Step): Int = (this.direction ^ other.direction)
      private object Step {
        case object Right extends Step(0)
        case object Down extends Step(1)
      private final case class Cell(
          row: Int,
          col: Int
      ) {
        def -(step: Step): Cell = this.copy(
          row = row - (step.direction & 1),
          col = col - (step.direction ^ 1)
      private final case class State(
          turns: Int,
          last: Option[Step]
      ) {
        def +(step: Step): State = this.copy(
          turns = turns + + step).getOrElse(0),
          last = Option(step)
      private val startCell = Cell(1, 1)
      private val memo = mutable.Map[Cell, mutable.Map[State, BigInt]](
        startCell -> mutable.Map(
          State(0, None) -> 1
      def journey(n: Int, m: Int, k: Int): BigInt = {
        if ((k < 1) && (1 < n) && (1 < m))
          return 0
        val watson = Cell(n, m)
        if (!memo.contains(watson)) {
          (1 to n).foreach { row =>
            (1 to m).foreach { col =>
              val cell = Cell(row, col)
              if (!memo.contains(cell)) {
                memo.addOne(cell, mutable.Map.empty)
                if (1 < cell.col) {
                  val leftCell = cell - Step.Right
                  memo(leftCell).foreach { case (leftState, leftCount) =>
                    val state = leftState + Step.Right
                    val count = leftCount + memo(cell).getOrElse(state, 0)
                    memo(cell)(state) = count
                if (1 < cell.row) {
                  val upwardCell = cell - Step.Down
                  memo(upwardCell).foreach { case (upwardState, upwardCount) =>
                    val state = upwardState + Step.Down
                    val count = upwardCount + memo(cell).getOrElse(state, 0)
                    memo(cell)(state) = count
        val result = memo(watson)
          .filter(_._1.turns <= k)
        result % (1e9 + 7).toInt
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val in = Iterator
          .takeWhile(null != _)
        val t =
        (1 to t)
          .map(_ =>' ').map(_.toInt))
          .map(nmk => journey(nmk.head, nmk.tail.head, nmk.last))

    DP with Memoization in Haskell

    import Data.Array (Ix, array, bounds, inRange, (!))
    import Prelude hiding (Right)
    data Direction = Neutral | Down | Right deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)
    paths :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Integer
    paths m n k = go (1, 1, k, Neutral)
      where go (i, j, k, dir)
              | i == m && j == n = 1
              | otherwise = case dir of
                Neutral -> mod (get (i+1, j, k, Down) + get (i, j+1, k, Right)) (10^9 + 7)
                Down -> mod (get (i+1, j, k, Down) + get (i, j+1, k-1, Right)) (10^9 + 7)
                Right -> mod (get (i+1, j, k-1, Down) + get (i, j+1, k, Right)) (10^9 + 7)
            a = array ((1, 1, 0, Down), (m, n, k, Right))
                [(c, go c) | c <- (,,,) <$> [1..m] <*> [1..n] <*> [0..k] <*> [Down, Right]]
            get x | inRange (bounds a) x = a ! x
                  | otherwise = 0
    helper :: [String] -> Integer 
    helper arr = do
        let new = map (read :: String -> Int) arr
        paths (new!!0) (new!!1) (new!!2)
    main :: IO()
    main = do
        raw <- getContents
        mapM_ print $ map helper $ tail $ map words $ lines raw

    He is free to face any direction before starting from (1, 1).

    If he faces downwards direction but choose to move rightwards then he can reach(2,2) with 2 turns which contradicts the test case # 1. ?

  • + 1 comment

    What is the timeout for test case #5, i have verified the answer its correct and runs around 3 seconds on my laptop, it still timesout here


    isn't this chalenge more about finding the good mathematic formula than a real programming chalenge ? :/