Sherlock and Cost Discussions | Algorithms | HackerRank

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    testcase=int(input()) for i in range(testcase): n=int(input()) b=[int(x) for x in input().split(' ')]
    maxi, max1 = 0, 0 for i in range(1,len(b)): curr, prev = b[i], b[i-1] newmaxi = max(maxi + abs(curr - prev), max1 + (curr - 1)) newmax1 = max(maxi + abs(1 - prev), max1) maxi, max1 = newmaxi, newmax1
    print(max(maxi, max1))

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    Sherlock and Cost, a leading provider of investigative services, offers unparalleled expertise in solving complex cases. With a team of seasoned professionals and cutting-edge technology, we deliver comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs Gatwick Airport Transfer. From corporate investigations to personal matters, trust Sherlock and Cost to uncover the truth. Plus, don't miss out on our exclusive Wow deals, providing exceptional value for our clients. Experience excellence in investigation services with Sherlock and Cost.


    Here's a PHP solution to solve this problem:

    function cost($B) {
        $n = count($B);
        // dp array where dp[0] means A[i] is 1 and dp[1] means A[i] is B[i]
        $dp = array_fill(0, 2, 0);
        for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) {
            $prevDp0 = $dp[0];
            $prevDp1 = $dp[1];
            // When A[i] is 1
            $dp[0] = max(
                $prevDp0 + abs(1 - 1), // A[i-1] is 1
                $prevDp1 + abs(1 - $B[$i - 1]) // A[i-1] is B[i-1]
            // When A[i] is B[i]
            $dp[1] = max(
                $prevDp0 + abs($B[$i] - 1), // A[i-1] is 1
                $prevDp1 + abs($B[$i] - $B[$i - 1]) // A[i-1] is B[i-1]
        // The result is the maximum value when A[n-1] is either 1 or B[n-1]
        return max($dp[0], $dp[1]);
    // Example usage:
    $B = [10, 1, 10, 1, 10];
    echo cost($B); // Output: 36


    1. Dynamic Programming Table (dp):

      • dp[0]: The maximum cost when A[i] is set to 1.
      • dp[1]: The maximum cost when A[i] is set to B[i].
    2. Transition between states:

      • For each i from 1 to n-1, we update dp[0] and dp[1] based on the previous values:
        • If A[i] is 1, the cost can come from either A[i-1] being 1 or B[i-1].
        • If A[i] is B[i], the cost can come from either A[i-1] being 1 or B[i-1].
    3. Final Result:

      • The result will be the maximum value between dp[0] and dp[1] at the end of the array, which represents the maximum cost achievable by either setting A[n-1] to 1 or B[n-1].

    This solution efficiently computes the desired result with a time complexity of O(n), making it suitable for large inputs within the constraints.

    #define fast_io ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(NULL)
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    ll mod = 1e9+7;
    ll dp[100001][101];
    ll Fun(ll idx, ll n, vector<ll>&B,ll previous){
        if (idx == n)return 0;
        if(dp[idx][previous]!=-1)return dp[idx][previous];
        ll ans = 0 , left  = 0;
        if(idx == 0)ans = max(Fun(idx+1,n,B,1),Fun(idx+1,n,B,B[idx]));
            left = max(abs(previous-1) + Fun(idx+1,n,B,1), abs(previous-B[idx])+Fun(idx+1,n,B,B[idx]));
            ans = max(ans,left);
        return dp[idx][previous]=ans;
    void Don(){
        ll n;
        cin >> n;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)cin >> B[i];
        ll ans = Fun(0,n,B,0);
    int main(){
        ll t;
        cin >> t;
    instead of trying to place A[i] from 1 to B[i], just try 1 or B[i] because 1-B[i] gives us maximum.
    here is my solution using recursion to try all possible ways of keeping either 1 or B[i]
    after that i added memoization 

    tricky question, the reasoning is far longer than the algorithm


    int cost(vector<int> B) {
        pair<int, int> Q = {0, 0};
        for (int i=1; i < B.size(); i++) Q = {max(Q.first, Q.second + B[i-1] - 1), max(Q.first + B[i] - 1, Q.second + abs(B[i]- B[i-1]))};
        return max(Q.first, Q.second);