Developing a Sports Streaming Platform with Python and APIs

    I’ve recently embarked on building a sports streaming platform, and I wanted to share some of the technical challenges I’ve been facing and the solutions I've come up with. The idea behind the project is to offer live streaming of various sports events, and for this, I’m using Python and several different APIs to fetch real-time data and stream video content.

    For the backend, I’m using Flask, and for the frontend, I’ve opted for React to create an intuitive user interface. The biggest challenge I’ve encountered is managing large amounts of concurrent streams while ensuring minimal buffering and latency for the end users. I’ve been exploring different CDN options and looking into optimizing the video streaming experience. visit https://streamonsports.live/ streaming platforms, I’d love to exchange ideas.

    You can check out my ongoing project here: Stream on Sports Live, where we aim to provide seamless sports content streaming for sports enthusiasts.