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Elixir solution:
defmodule Solution do def colorize(input) do cp = String.codepoints(input) Enum.reduce(cp, {0,0,0,0}, fn x, {r,g,b,y} -> case x do "R" when abs(r+1-g) < 2 -> {r+1,g,b,y} "G" when abs(g+1-r) < 2 -> {r,g+1,b,y} "B" when abs(b+1-y) < 2 -> {r,g,b+1,y} "Y" when abs(y+1-b) < 2 -> {r,g,b,y+1} _ -> {False, False, False, False} end end) |> fn {r,g,b,y} -> case {r,g,b,y} do {False, False, False, False} -> "False" _ when r-g != 0 -> "False" _ when y-b != 0 -> "False" _ -> "True" end end.() end end input =, :all) |> String.split("\n") [_ | elements] = input, fn x -> Solution.colorize(x) end) |> Enum.each(fn x -> IO.puts(x) end)
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Sequence full of colors
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Elixir solution: