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Roh come on ..i didnt know i could use :
from sklearn import linear_model or import numpy as np
We couldnt do it in previous challenge ... ...
def transpose(mat): return [list(row) for row in zip(*mat)] def inverse(mat): size = len(mat) identity = [[1 if i == j else 0 for j in range(size)] for i in range(size)] augmented = [row[:] + identity_row for row, identity_row in zip(mat, identity)] for i in range(size): pivot = augmented[i][i] for j in range(size * 2): augmented[i][j] /= pivot for k in range(size): if k != i: factor = augmented[k][i] for j in range(size * 2): augmented[k][j] -= factor * augmented[i][j] return [row[size:] for row in augmented] def matrix(X, Y): return [[sum(x * y for x, y in zip(X_row, Y_col)) for Y_col in zip(*Y)] for X_row in X] def linear_reg(X, Y): tx = transpose(X) xty = matrix(tx, Y) xtx = matrix(tx, X) inv_xtx = inverse(xtx) return [item for sublist in matrix(inv_xtx, xty) for item in sublist] m, n = map(int, input().split(" ")) XY = [list(map(float, input().split(" "))) for _ in range(n)] X = [[1] + x[:m] for x in XY] Y = [[x[m]] for x in XY] q = int(input()) qX = [list(map(float, input().split(" "))) for _ in range(q)] NX = [[1] + x[:m] for x in qX] b = linear_reg(X, Y) for nx in NX: y = sum(bi * fi for bi, fi in zip(b, nx)) print(f"{y:.2f}")
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Day 9: Multiple Linear Regression
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Roh come on ..i didnt know i could use :
We couldnt do it in previous challenge ... ...