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    vector<int> rustMurderer(int n, vector<vector<int>> roads, int s) {
         * Write your code here.
        unordered_map<int, unordered_set<int>> graph;
        /* Represent an input as a graph based on unordered_... types for
           the maximum insertion/removal performance. */
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
            graph[i] = unordered_set<int>{};
        for (const auto& edge : roads) {
        /* A list (set) of the top nodes. A top node is a node that we are currently
           analyse paths from. The top nodes have always the minimum possible distance
           measured as required by the task. */
        unordered_set<int> tops;
        /* The resulting distances. This vector also includes an element for a node
           `s` which will be removed later. */
        vector<int> distances(n);
        int current_distance = 0;
        /* Kickstart the process from the given node */
        distances[s - 1] = current_distance++;
        while (!tops.empty()) {
            unordered_map<int, int> ntops_paths;
            /* On each iteration we remove nodes and edges of the graph that
               are already processed, thus each node and edge is effectively
               visited once. */
            /* Now find out how many direct (one step) paths are there from the
               current list of top nodes to all nodes of the remaining graph. */
            /* Start with listing all possible nodes. */
            for (const auto& kvp : graph)
                ntops_paths[kvp.first] = 0;
            /* As soon as the direct path found, increment the number of paths
               to the node. */
            for (const auto from : tops) {
                for (const auto to : graph[from]) {
                    graph[to].erase(from);  /* Erase backward edge. */
                ntops_paths.erase(from);  /* Exclude top nodes from further analysis. */
                graph.erase(from);  /* Erase the visited node with all forward edges. */
            /* Now construct a new list of top nodes based on the fact that each node
               that is unreachable from at least one of the current top nodes via a
               "main road" is reachable via "side road". Effectively it means that
               the path number calculated above is at least 1 less than the number of
               the current top nodes. */
            unordered_set<int> ntops;
            for (const auto& kvp : ntops_paths)
                if (kvp.second < tops.size())
            /* Populate distances for the new top nodes. */
            for (const auto top : ntops)
                distances[top - 1] = current_distance;
            /* Replace the current list of top nodes with the new one. */
            tops = move(ntops);
        distances.erase(distances.begin() + s - 1);
        return distances;