Russian Peasant Exponentiation


    C# doesnt take care of negative module result:

    class ComplexInt
        public int mod;
        public int a, b;
        public ComplexInt() { a = 1; b = 0; mod = int.MaxValue; }
        public ComplexInt(int _a, int _b, int _mod = int.MaxValue)
        { mod = _mod; a = (_a % mod + mod) % mod; b = (_b % mod + mod) % mod; }
        public static ComplexInt operator *(ComplexInt x, ComplexInt y)
            => new ComplexInt((int)(((long)x.a * y.a - (long)x.b * y.b) % x.mod),
                              (int)(((long)x.a * y.b + (long)x.b * y.a) % x.mod), x.mod);
    public static List<int> solveRussPeas(int a, int b, long k, int m)
        var p = powRussPeas(new ComplexInt(a, b, m), k);
        return new List<int> { p.a, p.b };
    public static ComplexInt powRussPeas(ComplexInt x, long k)
        ComplexInt p = k % 2 == 0 ? new ComplexInt(1, 0, x.mod) : x;
        while ((k >>= 1) > 0)
            x *= x;
            if (k % 2 == 1)
                p *= x;
        return p;

    ...need to take care yourself