Ruby Enumerables: 'any', 'all', 'none', and 'find'

    def func_any(hash)
      # Check and return true if any key object within the hash is of the type Integer
      # If not found, return false.
      hash.any? {|key,value| key.is_a? Integer}
    def func_all(hash)
      # Check and return true if all the values within the hash are Integers and are < 10
      # If not all values satisfy this, return false.
      hash.all? {|key, value| (value.is_a? Integer and value < 10)}
    def func_none(hash)
      # Check and return true if none of the values within the hash are nil
      # If any value contains nil, return false.
      hash.none? {|key, value| value.nil? }
    def func_find(hash)
      # Check and return the first object that satisfies either of the following properties:
      #   1. There is a [key, value] pair where the key and value are both Integers and the value is < 20 
      #   2. There is a [key, value] pair where the key and value are both Strings and the value starts with `a`.
      hash.find {|key, value| ((key.is_a? Integer and value.is_a? Integer and value < 20) or (key.is_a? String and value.is_a? String and value[0] == 'a'))}