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java7 all test case passed
import*; import java.math.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; public class Solution { static int n = 15; static int[][] adj; static Map<Integer, Map<Long, Long>> memoMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Long, Long>>(); static { for(int v = 0;v <= n;v++) { memoMap.put(v, new HashMap<Long, Long>()); } } static long calcR(int[] vals, int k) { int[] maxV = calcFK(vals, k); long key = 0; for(int mv : maxV) { key = key * 10+mv; } Long ans = memoMap.get(k).get(key); if(ans != null) { return ans; } if(k == n-1) { ans = maxV[0]+1l; memoMap.get(k).put(key, ans); return ans; }else { ans = 0l; for(int v = maxV[0];v >= 0;v--) { vals[k] = v; ans += calcR(vals, k+1); } memoMap.get(k).put(key, ans); return ans; } } static private int[] calcFK(int[] vals, int k) { int[] ans = new int[n-k]; for(int i = 0;i < n-k;i++) { ans[i] = 9; } for(int i = 0;i < k;i++) { int mv = vals[i]; int[] np = adj[i]; for(int j = 0;j < np.length;j++) { int npAV = np[j]; if(npAV >= k) { int val = ans[npAV-k]; if(val > mv) { ans[npAV-k] = mv; } } } } return ans; } static class Node{ int v; List<Integer> adjL = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> adjTGL = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int index; int color = 0; int startT = 0; int endT = 0; public Node(int v) { this.v = v; } } static long requirement(int[][] req) { int m = req.length; Node[] nodes = new Node[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n;i++) { nodes[i] = new Node(i); } for(int i = 0; i < m;i++) { int to = req[i][0]; int from = req[i][1]; nodes[from].adjL.add(to); nodes[to].adjTGL.add(from); } process(nodes); return calcR(new int[n], 0); } static LinkedList<Set<Node>> listSCC = new LinkedList<Set<Node>>(); private static void process(Node[] nodes) { DFS(nodes); for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) { nodes[i].color = 0; } List<Node> tSL2 = tSL; tSL = new LinkedList<Node>(); for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) { Node node = tSL2.get(i); if(node.color == 0) { Set<Node> set = new HashSet<Node>(); set.add(node); DFS_VISIT(set, nodes, node, true); listSCC.add(set); } } int k = 0; for(int i = 0;i < listSCC.size();i++) { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); Set<Node> cc = listSCC.get(i); for(Node node : cc) { node.index = k; } k++; } adj = new int[k][]; for(int i = 0;i < listSCC.size();i++) { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); Set<Node> cc = listSCC.get(i); for(Node node : cc) { for(int ad : node.adjL) { Node na = nodes[ad]; if(na.index != node.index) { set.add(na.index); } } } int[] adN = new int[set.size()]; int p = 0; for(int a : set) { adN[p++] = a; } adj[i] = adN; } n = k; } static int time = 0; static LinkedList<Node> tSL = new LinkedList<Node>(); private static void DFS(Node[] nodes) { for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) { Node node = nodes[i]; if(node.color == 0) { Set<Node> set = new HashSet<Node>(); set.add(node); DFS_VISIT(set, nodes, nodes[i], false); } } } private static void DFS_VISIT(Set<Node> set, Node[] nodes, Node u, boolean transposeG) { time++; u.startT = time; u.color = 1; List<Integer> adL = transposeG ? u.adjTGL : u.adjL; for(int adjN : adL) { Node v = nodes[adjN]; if(v.color == 0) { //v.parent = u; set.add(v); DFS_VISIT(set, nodes, v, transposeG); } } u.color = 2; tSL.addFirst(u); time++; u.endT = time; } private static final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(System.getenv("OUTPUT_PATH"))); String[] nm = scanner.nextLine().split(" "); scanner.skip("(\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029\u0085])*"); n = Integer.parseInt(nm[0]); int m = Integer.parseInt(nm[1]); int[][] req = new int[m][2]; for (int reqRowItr = 0; reqRowItr < m; reqRowItr++) { String[] reqRowItems = scanner.nextLine().split(" "); scanner.skip("(\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029\u0085])*"); for (int reqColumnItr = 0; reqColumnItr < 2; reqColumnItr++) { int reqItem = Integer.parseInt(reqRowItems[reqColumnItr]); req[reqRowItr][reqColumnItr] = reqItem; } } long result = requirement(req); bufferedWriter.write(String.valueOf(result % 1007)); bufferedWriter.newLine(); bufferedWriter.close(); scanner.close(); } }
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java7 all test case passed