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C++ solution
std::list<char> super_reduced_list(std::list<char> &l) { int k = l.size(); for(auto it1 = l.begin(), it2 = ++l.begin(); (it1 != l.end()) && (it2 != l.end()); ) { if(*it1 == *it2) { it2 = l.erase(it1); it1 = l.erase(it2); it2 = it1; it2++; } else { it1++; it2++; } } for(char c : l) { std::cout << c; } std::cout << std::endl; if(k == l.size()) { return l; } else { return super_reduced_list(l); } } string superReducedString(string s) { std::list<char> l(s.begin(), s.end()); super_reduced_list(l); return (l.empty())? "Empty String" : string(l.begin(), l.end()); }
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Super Reduced String
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C++ solution