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C++ BFS-tree(more at , feel free to give a star :) )
constexpr char IMPOSSIBLE[] = "Impossible"; enum class MoveDirections{ UL, UR, R, LR, LL, L, START, DEFAULT }; auto const moves{std::map<::MoveDirections, std::pair<int, int>>{ {MoveDirections::UL, {-2, -1}}, {MoveDirections::UR, {-2, 1}}, {MoveDirections::R, {0, 2}}, {MoveDirections::LR, {2, 1}}, {MoveDirections::LL, {2, -1}}, {MoveDirections::L, {0, -2}}, }}; auto const movesPrint{std::unordered_map<::MoveDirections, std::string>{ {MoveDirections::UL, "UL"}, {MoveDirections::UR, "UR"}, {MoveDirections::R, "R"}, {MoveDirections::LR, "LR"}, {MoveDirections::LL, "LL"}, {MoveDirections::L, "L"} }}; struct Node{ using mD = MoveDirections; Node(): row{0}, col{0}, direction{mD::DEFAULT}, parent{}, childs{} {} Node( int const rNew, int const cNew, mD const newDirection, std::shared_ptr<Node const> && newParent = nullptr ): row{rNew}, col{cNew}, direction{newDirection}, parent{newParent}, childs{} {} int row; int col; MoveDirections direction; std::shared_ptr<Node const> parent; mutable std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Node const>> childs; }; void printShortestPath( int const size, int const rStart, int const cStart, int const rEnd, int const cEnd ){ using namespace std; using mD = ::MoveDirections; auto boardFree{vector<vector<bool>>(size, vector<bool>(size, true))}; auto root{make_shared<Node const>(rStart, cStart, mD::START)}; auto qBFS(queue<shared_ptr<Node const>>{}); qBFS.push(root); auto nodeCurrent{decltype(qBFS)::value_type{}}; auto rNew{0}; auto cNew{0}; while(!qBFS.empty()){ nodeCurrent = std::move(qBFS.front()); qBFS.pop(); for(auto const & [direction, move]: moves){ rNew = nodeCurrent->row + move.first; cNew = nodeCurrent->col + move.second; if(!(0 <= rNew && rNew < size && 0 <= cNew && cNew < size && ){ continue; } = false; nodeCurrent->childs.emplace_back(make_shared<Node const>( rNew, cNew, direction, std::move(nodeCurrent))); qBFS.push(nodeCurrent->childs.back()); if(!(rNew == rEnd && cNew == cEnd)){ continue; } auto steps{0}; auto pathReverse{vector<mD>{}}; nodeCurrent = nodeCurrent->childs.back(); while(nodeCurrent->parent){ ++steps; pathReverse.emplace_back(nodeCurrent->direction); nodeCurrent = nodeCurrent->parent; } cout << steps << '\n'; transform(crbegin(pathReverse), crend(pathReverse), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " "), [&](auto const & direction){ return; }); return; } } cout << IMPOSSIBLE; }
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Red Knight's Shortest Path
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C++ BFS-tree(more at , feel free to give a star :) )