I am getting timeout for test cases 5, 6, 7. When I debugged with the inputs I've seen that my timeout occurs while creating the Segmentation Tree.

    I have been looking into the code for 2 days and I still could not figure out what is the cause of this.

    You can find my tree construction code below. Any help is appreciated.

    def makeTree(ll:List[Int], l:Int, r:Int): Tree[Int] = {   
            if (r==l) {
                Leaf(ll(l), l, r)
            else {
                var left = makeTree(ll, l, (l+r)/2)
                var right = makeTree(ll, (l+r)/2+1, r)
                //println(l,r,List(left.value, right.value).min)
                Node(left, right, List(left.value, right.value).min, l, r)

    ll is the input array. Leaf and Node needs no explainations I believe.