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Querying XML Datastores with XPath - 8
Querying XML Datastores with XPath - 8
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Standard ruby library for XML parsing
require 'rexml/document' include REXML
Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
xmlText = ""
Read the input XML Fragment
while line = gets() xmlText += line end
doc = Document.new xmlText
Write the XPath selector for finding the number of characters (i.e, the string-length) in the description of the second movie in the XML file.
Fill in the blanks to complete the required XPath selector query
description = doc.elements["/collection/movie[2]/description"].text puts description.length
Here is Querying XML Datastores with XPath - 8 problem solution - https://www.gyangav.com/2022/11/hackerrank-querying-xml-datastores-with-xpath-8-problem-solution.html
puts doc.elements.each("string-length(collection/movie[2]/description)")
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