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import java.util.*; public final class Solution{ public static void main(String[] args){ int arraySize, qRow, qCol; HashSet<List<Integer>> s = new HashSet<>(); try (Scanner in = new Scanner( { arraySize = in.nextInt(); int numberObstacles = in.nextInt(); qRow= in.nextInt(); qCol= in.nextInt(); while(numberObstacles-->0){ int obsRow = in.nextInt(); int obsCol = in.nextInt(); s.add(Arrays.asList(obsRow, obsCol)); } } int position[][] = new int[][]{{0,1}, {1,0}, {-1,0},{0,-1}, {1,1},{-1,1},{1,-1},{-1,-1}}; long ans=0; for(int i=0; i<position.length;i++){ int row = qRow+position[i][0]; int col = qCol+position[i][1]; while(!s.contains(Arrays.asList(row, col))){ // System.out.println(s.contains(Arrays.asList(row, col))); // System.out.printf("using:(%d,%d)==> %d, %d\n", position[i][0], position[i][0], row, col); if( row <1 || row > arraySize){ break; } if( col <1 || col > arraySize){ break; } ans+=1; row+=position[i][0]; col+=position[i][1]; } } System.out.println(ans); } COMMENT FOR PYTHON SOLUTION AS WELL } }
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