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import java.util.*; public final class Solution { public static final void main(String[] args) { int n, rq, cq; Set<Long> o; try (Scanner in = new Scanner( { n = in.nextInt(); int k = in.nextInt(); rq = in.nextInt(); cq = in.nextInt(); o = new HashSet<>(k); while (k --> 0) { int ro = in.nextInt(), co = in.nextInt(); o.add((long)ro << 32 | co); } } int t = 0; for (int d[] : new int[][] {{-1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, +1}, { 0, -1}, { 0, +1}, {+1, -1}, {+1, 0}, {+1, +1}}) { for (int r = rq + d[0], c = cq + d[1]; 1 <= r && r <= n && 1 <= c && c <= n && !o.contains((long)r << 32 | c); r += d[0], c += d[1]) { t++; } } System.out.println(t); } }
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Queen's Attack II
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