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    "Explore the complexities of Quadrant Queries with our comprehensive guide, designed to help you navigate and analyze data effectively. To support your data management journey, we’re offering a special promotion: with every guide purchase, receive a set of mug printing. These bags are perfect for carrying your study materials and showcasing your dedication to mastering quadrant queries, blending practicality with a touch of personal style."


    Here is my solution in java, javascript, python, C ,C++, Csharp HackerRank Quadrant Queries Problem Solution


    Here is the solution of Quadrant Queries Click Here


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    Python3 solution

    #!/usr/env python
    import bisect
    from math import sqrt
    import optparse
    import sys
    from random import randint as rand
    _Rx = [3, 2, 1, 0]
    _Ry = [1, 0, 3, 2]
    def create_test(N, Q, fp):
        r = [(rand(-2, 2), rand(-2, 2)) for i in range(N)]
        print(N, file = fp)
        for ri in r:
            print('%d %d' % ri, file = fp)
        ops = [ "X", "Y", "C" ]
        queries = [(ops[rand(0, 2)], rand(1, N), rand(1, N)) for q in range(Q)]
        print(Q, file = fp)
        for op, i, j in queries:
            if i > j: 
                i, j = j, i
            print('%1s %d %d' % (op, i, j), file = fp)
        return [r, queries]
    def quadrant(x, y):
        Return the quadrant the point r is in.
        if x > 0:
            if y > 0: return 0
            else: return 3
            if y > 0: return 1
            else: return 2
    def getInput(f, shift = -1):
        The first line contains N, the number of points. N lines follow.
        The ith line contains xi and yi separated by a space.  The next line
        contains Q the number of queries. The next Q lines contain one query
        each, of one of the above forms.  All indices are 1 indexed.
        Return the points r and the queries q, in [r, q]
        l = f.readline().strip()
        n = int(l)
        r = []
        for i in range(n):
            l = f.readline().strip()
            x, y = l.split()
            r.append([int(x), int(y)])
        l = f.readline().strip()
        Q = int(l)
        queries = []
        for k in range(Q):
            l = f.readline().strip()
            op, i, j = l.split()
            queries.append((op, int(i) + shift, int(j) + shift))
        return [r, queries]
    class QuadrantBook:
        A data structure to facilitate the processing of quadrant queries.
        def __init__(self, r, factor = 32):
            N = len(r)
            self.blocksize = int(sqrt(factor * N))
            nblocks = (N - 1) // self.blocksize + 1
            # self.inq[b][q] is the list of points in the quadrant q with indices
            # between b L and (b+1)L, where L is the blocksize.
            self.inq = [[[] for q in range(4) ] for b in range(nblocks)]
            for i, ri in enumerate(r):
                b = self.getBlock(i)
                q = quadrant(ri[0], ri[1])
        def countInQuadrants( self, i, j):
            Count the number of points in each quadrant with indices between i and j,
            bi = self.getBlock(i)
            bj = self.getBlock(j)
            cq = [0] * 4
            if bi == bj:
                for q, idx in enumerate(self.inq[bi]):
                    ki, kj = getIndex(idx, i, j)
                    cq[q] = kj - ki
                return cq
                for q in range(4):
                    ni = self.inq[bi][q]
                    nj = self.inq[bj][q]
                    ki = bisect.bisect_left(ni, i)
                    kj = bisect.bisect_right(nj, j)
                    cq[q] = len(ni) - ki 
                    for nb in self.inq[bi + 1: bj]:
                        cq[q] += len(nb[q])
                    cq[q] += kj
                return cq
        def reflect( self, i, j, axis):
            Update the list of points in each quadrant after reflection along the
            given axis.
            if axis == "X":
                R = _Rx
                W = [(0, 3), (1, 2)]
                R = _Ry
                W = [(0, 1), (2, 3)]    
            bi = self.getBlock( i)
            bj = self.getBlock( j)
            if bi == bj:
                self.reflectInBlock( i, j, bi, R)
                ni = self.inq[bi]
                kiq = [bisect.bisect_left(idx, i) for idx in ni]
                rfxi = [ni[q][ki:] for q, ki in enumerate(kiq)]
                for q, ki in enumerate(kiq):
                    ni[q] = ni[q][:ki] + rfxi[R[q]]   
                nj = self.inq[bj]
                kjq = [bisect.bisect_right( idx, j) for idx in nj]
                rfxj = [nj[q][:kj] for q, kj in enumerate(kjq)]
                for q, kj in enumerate( kjq):
                    nj[q] = rfxj[R[q]] + nj[q][kj:]    
                for nb in self.inq[bi + 1: bj]:
                    for w1, w2 in W:
                        nb[w1], nb[w2] = nb[w2], nb[w1]
        def getBlock( self, i ):
            Get the block index for point i.
            return i // self.blocksize
        def reflectInBlock(self, i, j, b, R):
            Update the list of points in each quadrant after reflection along the
            given axis, assuming that i and j are in the same block b.
            nb = self.inq[b]
            kij = [getIndex( idx, i, j) for idx in nb]
            rf = [nb[q][ki: kj] for q, (ki, kj) in enumerate(kij)]
            for q, (ki, kj) in enumerate(kij):
                nb[q] = nb[q][:ki] + rf[R[q]] + nb[q][kj:]
    def getIndex( lst, i, j):
        In the sorted list, find ki such that lst[ki-1]<i<=lst[ki], and kj such
        that lst[kj]<=j<lst[kj+1]. If i<lst[0], ki=0; if j>lst[-1], kj=len(lst).
        This convention splices the list at the right places.
        @param i<=j
        ki = bisect.bisect_left(lst, i)
        kj = bisect.bisect_right(lst, j, ki)
        return [ki, kj]
    def processQueries(r, queries, factor = 32):
        qbook = QuadrantBook(r, factor)
        for op, i, j in queries:
            if op.upper() == 'C':
                cq = qbook.countInQuadrants(i, j)
                print('%d %d %d %d' % tuple(cq), file = sys.stdout)
            elif op.upper() in ['X', 'Y']:
                qbook.reflect( i, j, op)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        usage = '%prog'
        opt = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
        opt.add_option('-N', type = 'int', default = 100)
        opt.add_option('-Q', type = 'int', default = 10)
        opt.add_option('-c', '--create', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Create test case instead of running the query.')
        opt.add_option('-i', '--input', type='string', default = None, help = 'Input file.')
        opt.add_option('-b', '--block-factor', type = 'float', default = 32., help = 'Use sqrt(b * N) as the block size.')
        opts, args = opt.parse_args()
        if opts.create:
            r, queries = create_test(opts.N, opts.Q, sys.stdout)
            r, queries = getInput(opts.input and open(opts.input, 'r') or sys.stdin)
            processQueries(r, queries, opts.block_factor)