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if __name__ == '__main__': N = int(input()) lst=[] commands=[input().split(" ") for i in range(N)] def insert(args): lst.insert(args[0],args[1]) def remove(args): lst.remove(args[0]) def append(args): lst.append(args[0]) def sort(): lst.sort() def pop(): lst.pop() def reverse(): lst.reverse() def display(): print(lst) operations={ 'insert': insert, 'print':display, 'remove':remove, 'append':append, 'sort':sort, 'pop':pop, 'reverse':reverse, } for command in commands: action=command[0] args =[int(i) for i in command[1:]] if action in operations.keys(): if len(args)==0: operations[action]() else: operations[action](args)
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