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- Python If-Else
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Python If-Else
Python If-Else
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import math import os import random import re import sys
if name == 'main': n = int(input().strip()) if n % 2 == 1: # Odd print("Weird") else: # Even if 2 <= n <= 5: # Range 2 to 5 print("Not Weird") elif 6 <= n <= 20: # Range 6 to 20 print("Weird") elif n > 20: # Greater than 20 print("Not Weird")
n=int(input()) if(n%2!=0): print("Weird") if(n%2==0 and n>=2 and n<6): print("Not Weird") if (n%2==0 and n>=6 and n<=20 ): print("Weird") if(n%2==0 and n>20): print("Not Weird")
if name == 'main': n = int(input().strip()) if n % 2 != 0: print("weird")
elif n >= 2 and n >= 5: print("Not Weird")
elif n >= 6 and n <= 20: print("weird")
else : print("Not weird")
help me with this getting one testcase wrong
i am getting stuck for values above 100,
if name == 'main': n = int(input().strip())
if n % 2 != 0: print("Weird") elif n % 2 == 0: if 2 <= n <= 5: print("Not Weird") elif 6 <= n <= 20: print("Weird") elif n > 20: print("Not Weird")