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n = int(input())
Stu = namedtuple('Student', input())
print(sum(int(Stu._make(input().split()).MARKS) for _ in range(n)) / n)
Stu._make(...): The _make method is called on the Stu named tuple, which takes the list of strings and creates a Student instance. For our example, if input is Alice 80, it creates Student(NAME='Alice', MARKS='80').
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from collections import namedtuple
n = int(input())
Stu = namedtuple('Student', input())
print(sum(int(Stu._make(input().split()).MARKS) for _ in range(n)) / n)
Stu._make(...): The _make method is called on the Stu named tuple, which takes the list of strings and creates a Student instance. For our example, if input is Alice 80, it creates Student(NAME='Alice', MARKS='80').