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Prefix Compression
Prefix Compression
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Searching for a pattern in a compressed file traditionally involves uncompressing the file on-the-fly and performing a regular search. On occasion it will be possible to compress the search pattern instead and to search for the compressed pattern in the compressed file. When possible, this is a double win since compressing the smaller search pattern is quicker than decompressing the file, and the pattern-matching itself is quicker as search-time is proportional to the file-size
f# solution
Searching for a pattern in a compressed file traditionally involves uncompressing the file on-the-fly and performing a regular search. On occasion it will be possible to compress the search pattern instead and to search for the compressed pattern in the compressed file. When possible, this is a double win since compressing the smaller search pattern is quicker than decompressing the file, and the pattern-matching itself is quicker as search-time is proportional to the file-size. https://wordmaker.info/how-many/prefix.html
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use list to solve this problem in fsharp