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struct package { char* id; int weight; };
typedef struct package package;
struct post_office { int min_weight; int max_weight; package* packages; int packages_count; };
typedef struct post_office post_office;
struct town { char* name; post_office* offices; int offices_count; };
typedef struct town town;
void print_all_packages(town t) { printf("%s:\n",; for(int i=0 ; i
void send_all_acceptable_packages(town* source, int source_office_index, town* target, int target_office_index) { post_office* source_office = &(source->offices[source_office_index]); post_office* target_office = &(target->offices[target_office_index]);
int sent_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < source_office->packages_count; i++) { if (source_office->packages[i].weight >= target_office->min_weight && source_office->packages[i].weight <= target_office->max_weight) { sent_count++; } } package* new_packages = malloc(sizeof(package) * (target_office->packages_count + sent_count)); memcpy(new_packages, target_office->packages, sizeof(package) * target_office->packages_count); int new_package_index = target_office->packages_count; for (int i = 0; i < source_office->packages_count; i++) { if (source_office->packages[i].weight >= target_office->min_weight && source_office->packages[i].weight <= target_office->max_weight) { new_packages[new_package_index++] = source_office->packages[i]; } } free(target_office->packages); target_office->packages = new_packages; target_office->packages_count += sent_count; source_office->packages_count -= sent_count;
town town_with_most_packages(town* towns, int towns_count) { town most_packages_town = towns[0]; int max_packages = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) { int total_packages = 0; for (int j = 0; j < towns[i].offices_count; j++) { total_packages += towns[i].offices[j].packages_count; } if (total_packages > max_packages) { max_packages = total_packages; most_packages_town = towns[i]; } } return most_packages_town;
town* find_town(town* towns, int towns_count, char* name) { for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) { if (strcmp(towns[i].name, name) == 0) { return &(towns[i]); } } return NULL; }
int main() { int towns_count; scanf("%d", &towns_count); town* towns = malloc(sizeof(town)*towns_count); for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) { towns[i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH); scanf("%s", towns[i].name); scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices_count); towns[i].offices = malloc(sizeof(post_office)*towns[i].offices_count); for (int j = 0; j < towns[i].offices_count; j++) { scanf("%d%d%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages_count, &towns[i].offices[j].min_weight, &towns[i].offices[j].max_weight); towns[i].offices[j].packages = malloc(sizeof(package)*towns[i].offices[j].packages_count); for (int k = 0; k < towns[i].offices[j].packages_count; k++) { towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH); scanf("%s", towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id); scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].weight); } } } int queries; scanf("%d", &queries); char town_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; while (queries--) { int type; scanf("%d", &type); switch (type) { case 1: scanf("%s", town_name); town* t = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); print_all_packages(t); break; case 2: scanf("%s", town_name); town source = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); int source_index; scanf("%d", &source_index); scanf("%s", town_name); town* target = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); int target_index; scanf("%d", &target_index); send_all_acceptable_packages(source, source_index, target, target_index); break; case 3: printf("Town with the most number of packages is %s\n", town_with_most_packages(towns, towns_count).name); break; } } return 0; }
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struct package { char* id; int weight; };
typedef struct package package;
struct post_office { int min_weight; int max_weight; package* packages; int packages_count; };
typedef struct post_office post_office;
struct town { char* name; post_office* offices; int offices_count; };
typedef struct town town;
void print_all_packages(town t) { printf("%s:\n",; for(int i=0 ; i
void send_all_acceptable_packages(town* source, int source_office_index, town* target, int target_office_index) {
post_office* source_office = &(source->offices[source_office_index]); post_office* target_office = &(target->offices[target_office_index]);
town town_with_most_packages(town* towns, int towns_count) { town most_packages_town = towns[0]; int max_packages = 0;
town* find_town(town* towns, int towns_count, char* name) { for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) { if (strcmp(towns[i].name, name) == 0) { return &(towns[i]); } } return NULL; }
int main() { int towns_count; scanf("%d", &towns_count); town* towns = malloc(sizeof(town)*towns_count); for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) { towns[i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH); scanf("%s", towns[i].name); scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices_count); towns[i].offices = malloc(sizeof(post_office)*towns[i].offices_count); for (int j = 0; j < towns[i].offices_count; j++) { scanf("%d%d%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages_count, &towns[i].offices[j].min_weight, &towns[i].offices[j].max_weight); towns[i].offices[j].packages = malloc(sizeof(package)*towns[i].offices[j].packages_count); for (int k = 0; k < towns[i].offices[j].packages_count; k++) { towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH); scanf("%s", towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id); scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].weight); } } } int queries; scanf("%d", &queries); char town_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; while (queries--) { int type; scanf("%d", &type); switch (type) { case 1: scanf("%s", town_name); town* t = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); print_all_packages(t); break; case 2: scanf("%s", town_name); town source = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); int source_index; scanf("%d", &source_index); scanf("%s", town_name); town* target = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name); int target_index; scanf("%d", &target_index); send_all_acceptable_packages(source, source_index, target, target_index); break; case 3: printf("Town with the most number of packages is %s\n", town_with_most_packages(towns, towns_count).name); break; } } return 0; }