This is my python Solution

    import math
    import os
    import random
    import re
    import sys
    # returns d, x, y so that gcd(a, b) = d and ax + by = d
    def extended_euclidean_alg(a,b):
        # starts out as p[0] = P_{-1}, p[1] = P_0 and same for q
        # in general it's the previous 2 terms, P_{i-1}, P_{i-2}
        p = [0, 1]
        q = [1, 0]
        counter = 1
        while b != 0:
            quo = a//b
            rem = a % b
            newP = quo*p[1] + p[0]
            newQ = quo*q[1] + q[0]
            p[0] = p[1]
            p[1] = newP
            q[0] = q[1]
            q[1] = newQ
            a = b
            b = rem
            counter = (counter + 1) % 2
        minusOne = (counter-1) % 2
        return a, q[0]*((-1)**minusOne), p[0]*((-1)**(counter))
    def leastSigBit(num):
        return (num & -num)
    # implementation of a Fenwick tree
    class PrefixSumTree(object):
        def __init__(self,array):
            l = len(array)
            self.sums = [0] * l
            for i in range(1,l):
                cl = i - leastSigBit(i)
                for j in range(cl+1,i+1):
                    self.sums[i] = (self.sums[i] + array[j]) % p
        def sum(self,i):
            sum = 0
            while i > 0:
                sum = (sum + self.sums[i]) % p
                i -= leastSigBit(i)
            return sum
        # adds toAdd to the ith element of array
        def add(self,i,toAdd):
            while i <= len(self.sums)-1:
                self.sums[i] = (self.sums[i] + toAdd) % p
                i += leastSigBit(i)
    p = 10**9 + 7
    def polynomialDivision(a, b, c, queries):
        res = []
        a_inv = extended_euclidean_alg(p, a)[2]
        x = -b*a_inv % p
        # if x != 0 then we have to build the sum tree
        if x != 0:
            l = len(c)
            # polyArray[i+1] = c[i]*x^i % p and polyArray[0] = 0
            polyArray = [0] * (l+1)
            polyArray[1] = c[0]
            # powsOfX[i] = x^i % p
            powsOfX = [1] * l
            for i in range(1,l):
                newPow = (powsOfX[i-1]*x) % p
                powsOfX[i] = newPow
                polyArray[i+1] = (c[i]*newPow) % p
            sumTree = PrefixSumTree(polyArray)
        for q in queries:
            if q[0] == 1:
                # compute how much we need to add for the sum
                toAdd = q[2]-c[q[1]]
                # update the array c with our new entry q[2]
                c[q[1]] = q[2]
                if x != 0:
                    # then we add the appropriate amount to our prefix sums.
                    # since sumTree keeps track of sum c_i * x^i we multiply by the 
                    # appropriate power of x
                    sumTree.add(q[1]+1,(toAdd*(powsOfX[q[1]])) % p)
                # remember c is zero indexed but sumTree is one indexed
                # so we do sum(q[2]+1) - sum(q[1]) instead of sum(q[2]) - sum(q[1]-1)
                pOfX = c[q[1]] if x == 0 else (sumTree.sum(q[2]+1) - sumTree.sum(q[1])) % p
                if pOfX == 0:
        return res
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
        nabq = input().split()
        n = int(nabq[0])
        a = int(nabq[1])
        b = int(nabq[2])
        q = int(nabq[3])
        c = [int(t) for t in input().rstrip().split()]
        queries = []
        for _ in range(q):
            queries.append([int(t) for t in input().rstrip().split()])
        result = polynomialDivision(a, b, c, queries)