Extract the information

    1. Output only the student name
    2. Their best friend has Salary > them
    3. ORDER Salary of Best Friends

    So we need to compare the the salary of Friends and Best Friends. Questions: 1. How to write a query to compare Salary? Solution: using self join on table that has Salary which is Packages 2. We need to compare Salary based on ID and Friend_ID, how to do this? Solution: we want to compare Salary therefore Salary is the main query.

    Steps 1. Let's do a SELF JOIN to get Salary of students and best friends

    SELECT *
       FROM friends f
            ON s.id = f.id
    INNER JOIN packages p1  --we determined p1 as students
            ON p1.id = f.id
    INNER JOIN packages p2  --we determined p2 as best friend. You can see that we joined table Packages with Friend_id
            ON p2.id = f.friend_id
    1. Add WHERE clause to compare the salary
           WHERE p2.salary > p1.salary
      ORDER BY p2.salary
    1. Output required only the name so we need to use the Students table as main table and JOIN ther
        SELECT s.name
          FROM students s
    INNER JOIN step1
    1. Apply ORDER BY as required.

    Below is the completed query.

    SELECT s.name
    FROM students s
    INNER JOIN friends f ON s.id = f.id
    INNER JOIN packages p1 ON s.id = p1.id
    INNER JOIN packages p2 ON f.friend_id = p2.id
    WHERE p2.salary > p1.salary
    ORDER BY p2.salary;