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    To solve this problem, there are 3 levels to climb:

    (1) Know the quick way to calculate ord_p(n!). This goes back to an old problem of counting the tailing zeros of 1000!, which is basically ord_5(1000!) (because ord_2(1000!) is greater and one needs 2*5=10 to get a tailing zero). The quick way is


    There are 1000/5=200 multiples of 5, among which there are 200/5=40 multiples of 5^2=25, among which there are 40/5=8 multiples of 5^3=125, among which there is only int(8/5)=1 multiple of 5^4=625, which is 625 itself. No need to count the multiples one by one.

    (2) Write n in base-p as


    This helps us find ord_p(n!) mod p. Notice that (the number of multiples of p under n) mod p is n[1]. Likewise, (the number of multiples of p^2 under n) mod p is n[2], ... . Eventually, one obtains

    ord_p(n!) mod p = (n[1]+n[2]+...+n[k]) mod p.

    (3) Write L also in base-p to figure out how many numbers between 1 and L satisfy ord_p(n!) mod p = 0, i.e., according to step (2), have a digit sum in base-p that is divisible by p. Notice that n[0] is a free variable and n[1] is uniquely determined once n[2]...n[k] are all given. However, make sure the number n does not go beyond the range of 1...L.