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Firsts & second attemp i was try to calculate every tower / every move can do. correct but take too many time.
Thirt attemp, I realized every player will reduce tower to 1 when they can, so i just need to know numbers of tower that divide to 2 tp know the winner, a exception is the tower already height 1, so whatever numbers of tower, player move firsts will lose, the winner is 2.
Tower Breakers
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My answer with Typescript.
Firsts & second attemp i was try to calculate every tower / every move can do. correct but take too many time.
Thirt attemp, I realized every player will reduce tower to 1 when they can, so i just need to know numbers of tower that divide to 2 tp know the winner, a exception is the tower already height 1, so whatever numbers of tower, player move firsts will lose, the winner is 2.