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voidminiMaxSum(intarr_count,int*arr){/* long int because the output more than 32 bit so we will deal with (long int) 64 bit*/longintmaxN=arr[0],/* max number in array*/minN=arr[0],/* min number in array*/sum=0;/* the sum of all elements */for(inti=0;i<arr_count;i++){if(maxN<arr[i])maxN=arr[i];/* max number in array */if(minN>arr[i])minN=arr[i];/* min number in array */sum+=arr[i];/* summing */}/* the lowest value is sum-maxValue, the highest value is sum-minValue*/printf("%ld %ld\n",sum-maxN,sum-minN);}
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Mini-Max Sum
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