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The given parameters are meant to misguide you!
my initial (not the optimal) solution was to use the given vector, sort it, erase the two elements in front, insert a new element according to the 1:2 given weight ratio. However, this is not the optimal solution:
the erase() method traverses the vector lineraly every time in order to erase the correct element, which is O(n) complexity.
the insert() requires manual search for the correct placement, which is O(n).
using push_back() instead of insert() requires sort() after each iteration which is O(nlogn)
solving the question using the vectors is correct however not optimal as it is solved in O(n^2) complexity.
the correct and optimal method to solve this question is to use a MinHeap (aka a priority queue with a std::greater comperator).
creating the heap from the vector is done by make_heap() (aka Heapify) algorithm which is O(n).
using heap gives you direct access to the top() element which is the only relevant element in each iteration, in constant time O(1).
heap automatically sorts itself with swifting up/down every time a new element is pushed/poped, in O(logn).
considering the loop, the overall complexity of the code is O(nlogn).
heres my version of the code:
intcookies(intk,vector<int>A){if(A.empty())return-1;priority_queue<int,std::vector<int>,std::greater<int>>heap(A.begin(),A.end(),std::greater<int>());// min heapintiterations=0,c1,c2;while(heap.top()<k&&heap.size()>=2){c1=heap.top();heap.pop();c2=heap.top();heap.pop();heap.push(c1+2*c2);iterations++;}return(heap.top()<k)?-1:iterations;}
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C++ O(nlogn)
The given parameters are meant to misguide you! my initial (not the optimal) solution was to use the given vector, sort it, erase the two elements in front, insert a new element according to the 1:2 given weight ratio. However, this is not the optimal solution:
the correct and optimal method to solve this question is to use a MinHeap (aka a priority queue with a std::greater comperator).
heres my version of the code: