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solution in C#:
public static long roadsAndLibraries(int n, int c_lib, int c_road, List<List<int>> cities) { if(n == 0) return 0; if(c_lib <= c_road) return n * (long)c_lib; var connections = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); for(int c = 1; c <= n; c++) { connections[c] = new List<int>(); } foreach(var cityPair in cities) { connections[cityPair[0]].Add(cityPair[1]); connections[cityPair[1]].Add(cityPair[0]); } var queue = new Queue<int>(); var visited = new HashSet<int>(); var cost = 0L; for(int c = 1; c <= n; c++) { if(visited.Contains(c)) { continue; } cost += c_lib; queue.Enqueue(c); visited.Add(c); while(queue.Count > 0) { var city = queue.Dequeue(); foreach(var neighbour in connections[city]) { if(!visited.Contains(neighbour)) { queue.Enqueue(neighbour); visited.Add(neighbour); cost += c_road; } } } } return cost; }
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Roads and Libraries
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solution in C#: