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defhighestValuePalindrome(s,n,k):# Convert the string to a mutable lists=list(s)# Step 1: Identify mismatched mirrored pairsmismatches=[]foriinrange(n// 2):ifs[i]!=s[n-i-1]:mismatches.append((i,n-i-1))# Step 2: Check if we have enough changes to fix all mismatchesiflen(mismatches)>k:return"-1"#Notenoughchangestomakeitapalindrome# Step 3: Fix mismatched mirrored pairsfori,jinmismatches:# Use the larger of the two digits to fix the mismatchs[i]=s[j]=max(s[i],s[j])k-=1#Countthisasonechange# Step 4: Maximize the palindrome using remaining changesforiinrange(n// 2):ifk<=0:break# If the current pair is not already '9', we can try to maximize itifs[i]!='9':# If this pair was previously fixed, it costs 1 changeif(i,n-i-1)inmismatches:s[i]=s[n-i-1]='9'k-=1# If this pair was already a match, it costs 2 changeselifk>=2:s[i]=s[n-i-1]='9'k-=2# If the string has an odd length, we can change the middle characterifn%2==1andk>0:s[n// 2] = '9'# Return the resulting palindromereturn''.join(s)
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Highest Value Palindrome
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