Highest Value Palindrome


    Java 8 solution - optimal:

    1. Map for already changed digits ( cost 1 instead of 2 when maximizing)
    2. Reduced character replacement operations ( cut in half - only working on the first half of the string)


    public static String highestValuePalindrome(String s, int n, int k) {
        // Write your code here
        if(k == 0){
            //check if is palindrome
             if (new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString().equals(s)) {
                return s;
            } else {
                return "-1";
        // we create a new string builder; this will have a length of n/2;
        StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        // if k >= n, we can create 9999...99;    
        if(k >= n){
            String.join("", Collections.nCopies(n, "9"));
        // explanation for the map; like a cost - if we want to change a digit
        // to 9, and still be palindrome, both digits must be 9, 
        // so there's a cost of 2.
        // if we already changed a digit at first step, to create the palindrome,
        // if we are left with extra moves after the palindrome has been created
        // we then can change one by one the digits that has already been changed
        // with a cost of 1 instead of 2.
        // E.G:  s = 1227, k = 2; => return 9229
        // we will want to make 9229, and the cost for that is 2,
        // but at first we dont know if we can create a palindrome with our k's,
        // so we start with that. After creating the palindrome, we can go back
        // and change 7227 to 9229.
        // at first, we change 1 to 7 so that we make palindrome: s=7227, k=1;
        // we can then change 7 to 9, to make the highest palindrome
        // because we still have k>0 after making it a palindrome,
        // we check at first digit. changing a digit except the middle one
        // means two digits must be changed, but because we already changed it
        // when creating the palindrome, we revert that change and instead
        // change both digits to be 9.
        //Map to know what digits have been changed once:
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        //check first digit
        System.out.println("length: " + n);
        int startIndex = 0;
        // check the first digit : if it's a 0, and the end is a 0 also,
        // we can't have an integer starting with 0, so we must change both.
        // if at the end is not 0, then we change the first to equal the last.
        if(s.charAt(0) == '0'){
            if(s.charAt(n-1) == '0') { k-=2; sBuilder.append('9');}
            else {k-=1; sBuilder.append(s.charAt(n-1));}
            map.put(0, n-1);   
        if(k<0) { return "-1";}
        // we check each digit one by one
        for(int i=startIndex; i<n/2; i++){
            char start = s.charAt(i);
            char end = s.charAt(n-i-1);
            if(start == end){
            else {
                if(k<=0) { return "-1";} // k < 0, no more changes available
                if(start - end > 0){
                else { sBuilder.append(end);}
                map.put(i, n-i-1); // map it to know that it has been changed once
        // Maximize palindrome with '9's
        // start with j=-1 to correctly increment in the while
        // we increment first so that we are able to continue over the digits
        // to check if there are still digits with a "cost" of 1.
        int j=-1;
        while(k >= 1 && j<sBuilder.length()-1){
            if(sBuilder.charAt(j) != '9'){
                if(map.containsKey(j)){ k-=1; }
                    if(k<2) continue; 
                sBuilder.replace(j, j+1, "9");
        // the reversed half.
        StringBuilder reversed = new StringBuilder(sBuilder).reverse();
        // handle mid char - if length is odd; make it 9 if k>=1;
        if(n%2 == 1){
            char mid;
                mid = '9';
            else { mid = s.charAt(n/2);}
            return sBuilder.append(mid).append(reversed).toString();
        return sBuilder.append(reversed).toString();