Recursive Digit Sum

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    c++ solution

    because the input is large, we gotta avoid creating the initial string by concatenating string n k times. Instead we calculate the sum of initial n and then multiply it by k to get sum of digits of concatenated k times string n. From then on, we simulate the process in the description - get the sum of string until its length is one.

     #define ll long long
    int superDigit(string n, int k) {
        string tmp = n;
        int len = tmp.size();
        int res = 0;
        while (len > 1) {
            ll sum = 0ll; 
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                sum += int(tmp[i]-'0');
            sum *= k;
            res = sum;
            string next = "";
            while (sum) {
                next += char((sum%10) + '0');
                sum /= 10;
            tmp = string(next.rbegin(), next.rend());
            len = next.size();
        return res;
  • + 1 comment

    Python solution

    Explaining the code:


    def superDigit(n, k):
       # Base case: If n is already a single-digit number, return it as the super digit
       if len(n) == 1:
          return int(n)
       # Calculate the sum of the digits of n multiplied by k
       added = sum(int(i) for i in n) * k
       # Recursive call: with the sum converted to string and k set to 1
       # since repeated multiplication is only needed once  
       return superDigit(str(added), 1)


    public static int superDigit(string n, int k)
            long digitSum(string str)
                long sum = 0;
                foreach (char c in str)
                    sum += c - '0';
                return sum;
            long initialSum = digitSum(n) * k;
            while (initialSum >= 10)
                initialSum = digitSum(initialSum.ToString());
            return Convert.ToInt32(initialSum);
    def superDigit(n, k):
        return (sum(map(int, list(n))) * k) % 9 or 9
    const sumDigits = (n) => String(n).split('').reduce((acc, cur) => acc + Number(cur), 0)
    function superDigit(n, k) {
        if (n < 10) {
            const value = sumDigits(n * k)
            const output = value < 10 ? value : superDigit(value, 1)
            return output
        } else {
            const step = sumDigits(n)
            return superDigit(step, k)