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Used a method where each value of the array -- starting from the maximum -- is used to mark all subarrays that overlap its index. Since we start from the maximum, all subsequent values won't overwrite the marks.
Preliminary function setup (i.e. sorting, query for loop):
// Struct { array value, index in the array }publicstaticclassIndexTracker{publicintvalue;publicintindex;publicIndexTracker(intvalue,intindex){this.value=value;this.index=index;}}// Helps sort the list in descending orderpublicstaticclassIndexTrackerComparatorimplementsComparator<IndexTracker>{@Overridepublicintcompare(IndexTrackertrackerA,IndexTrackertrackerB){returnInteger.compare(trackerB.value,trackerA.value);}}publicstaticList<Integer>solve(List<Integer>arr,List<Integer>queries){// Get reverse sorted list of struct {value: arr[i], index: i} List<IndexTracker>trackers=newArrayList<>();for(inti=0;i<arr.size();i++){IndexTrackertracker=newIndexTracker(arr.get(i),i);trackers.add(tracker);}Collections.sort(trackers,newIndexTrackerComparator());// Loop through each queryList<Integer>minima=newArrayList<>();for(intquery:queries){minima.add(minOfMaxSubarray(trackers,arr.size(),query));}returnminima;}
Actual function logic:
publicstaticintminOfMaxSubarray(List<IndexTracker>sortedTrackers,intarraySize,intlength){// Create a list of subarray max valuesList<Integer>marks=newArrayList<>();for(inti=0;i<arraySize-(length-1);i++){marks.add(-1);// -1 indicates unmarked}intmarkedCount=0;// Loop through each index starting from the maximumfor(IndexTrackertracker:sortedTrackers){// Range of subarrays that overlap the current indexintleft=tracker.index-(length-1);intright=tracker.index;// Marks affected subarrays with the value at the current indexfor(inti=left;i<=right;i++){if(i<0||i>=marks.size()){continue;}if(marks.get(i)==-1){marks.set(i,tracker.value);markedCount++;}}// Once all subarrays have been marked, returns the most recently used value (equivalent to the minimum)if(markedCount>=marks.size()){returntracker.value;}}return-1;// Error return}
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Queries with Fixed Length
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Java 8
Used a method where each value of the array -- starting from the maximum -- is used to mark all subarrays that overlap its index. Since we start from the maximum, all subsequent values won't overwrite the marks.
Preliminary function setup (i.e. sorting, query for loop):
Actual function logic: