Queries with Fixed Length


    Java 8

    Used a method where each value of the array -- starting from the maximum -- is used to mark all subarrays that overlap its index. Since we start from the maximum, all subsequent values won't overwrite the marks.

    Preliminary function setup (i.e. sorting, query for loop):

        // Struct { array value, index in the array }
        public static class IndexTracker {
            public int value;
            public int index;
            public IndexTracker(int value, int index) {
                this.value = value;
                this.index = index;
        // Helps sort the list in descending order
        public static class IndexTrackerComparator implements Comparator<IndexTracker> {
            public int compare(IndexTracker trackerA, IndexTracker trackerB) {
                return Integer.compare(trackerB.value, trackerA.value);
        public static List<Integer> solve(List<Integer> arr, List<Integer> queries) { 
    	// Get reverse sorted list of struct {value: arr[i], index: i} 
            List<IndexTracker> trackers = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
                IndexTracker tracker = new IndexTracker(arr.get(i), i);
            Collections.sort(trackers, new IndexTrackerComparator());
            // Loop through each query
            List<Integer> minima = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int query : queries) {
                minima.add(minOfMaxSubarray(trackers, arr.size(), query));
            return minima;

    Actual function logic:

        public static int minOfMaxSubarray(List<IndexTracker> sortedTrackers, int arraySize, int length) {
            // Create a list of subarray max values
            List<Integer> marks = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < arraySize - (length - 1); i++) {
                marks.add(-1);      // -1 indicates unmarked
            int markedCount = 0;
            // Loop through each index starting from the maximum
            for (IndexTracker tracker : sortedTrackers) {
                // Range of subarrays that overlap the current index
                int left = tracker.index - (length - 1);
                int right = tracker.index;
                // Marks affected subarrays with the value at the current index
                for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
                    if (i < 0 || i >= marks.size()) {
                    if (marks.get(i) == -1) {
                        marks.set(i, tracker.value);
                // Once all subarrays have been marked, returns the most recently used value (equivalent to the minimum)
                if (markedCount >= marks.size()) {
                    return tracker.value;
            return -1;      // Error return