Lego Blocks

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    My Java solution:

     * Raise a num to an exponent and mod the result
     * NOTE: don't use Math.pow() since it will give
     * incorrect results since it does not mod the
     * intermediate results
    private static long pow(long num, int exp, long mod) {
        long res = num;
        while (exp-- > 1) {
            res = (res * num) % mod;
        return res;
     * Strategy using Dynamic Programming:
     * 1. Create an array where each index represents the width
     * and store the number of permuations for a single row.
     * 2. Create an array where each index represents the width
     * and store the number of valid and invalid permutations for
     * the total number of rows (height)
     * 3. Create an array where each index represents the width
     * and store the number of invalid permuations of each
     * total number of rows.
     * 4. The final result will be the substracion of (2) - (3):
     * result = (valid + invalid) - (invalid)
    public static int legoBlocks(int h, int w) {
        long divisor = 1000000007; // every calculation must be mod by this number
        // STEP 1:
        // Permutations for a single row is:
        // when width=0; 0 valid permutation
        // when width=1; 1 valid permutation
        // when width=2; 2 valid permutations
        // when width=3; 4 valid permutations
        // when width=4; 8 valid permutations
        // when widht=N; the sum of the previous 4 widths: (N-1) + (N-2) + (N-3) + (N-4)
        List<Long> singleRow = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0L, 1L, 2L, 4L, 8L));
        // STEP 2:
        // Total permutations for all rows:
        // when width=0; singleRow[0]^h valid permutations (always 0)
        // when width=1; singleRow[1]^h valid permutations (always 1)
        // when width=2; singleRow[2]^h valid permutations
        // when width=3; singleRow[3]^h valid permutations
        // when width=4; singleRow[4]^h valid permutations
        // when width=N; singleRow[N]^h valid permutations
        List<Long> total = new ArrayList<>(
                Arrays.asList(0L, 1L,
                        pow(2, h, divisor),
                        pow(4, h, divisor),
                        pow(8, h, divisor)));
        // Completes the singleRow and total arrays dynamically from
        // the previous values according to the above rules
        for (int i = 5; i <= w; i++) {
            long val = (singleRow.get(i - 1) + singleRow.get(i - 2) +
                    singleRow.get(i - 3) + singleRow.get(i - 4)) % divisor;
            total.add(pow(val, h, divisor));
        // STEP 3 Invalid permutations:
        // Perform a vertical cut across all rows of bricks
        // when width=0; 0 invalid permutations
        // when width=1; 0 invalid permutations
        List<Long> invalid = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0L, 0L));
        // This is the tricky part:
        // Starting with a 2-width cut up to the width
        // For each cut, walk 1-width at a time up to the cut
        // and add the result of the left * right (invalid permutations)
        // the left part are the valid permutations
        // the right part are all possible permutations (valid and invalid)
        for (int cut = 2; cut <= w; cut++) {
            long anum = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < cut; i++) {
                long l = total.get(i) - invalid.get(i);
                long r = total.get(cut - i);
                anum += ((l * r) % divisor);
            invalid.add(anum % divisor);
        // STEP 4
        // We have finally calculated all the valid and invalid permuations
        // we only substract the total permutations from the invalid permuations 
        long r = (total.get(w) - invalid.get(w)) % divisor;
        // In case the substraction is negative
        // add the divisor(mod) to the result to find out the real value
        while (r < 0)
            r += divisor;
        return (int) r;