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Javascript (ugly, non-math-based version)
function counterGame(n: number): string { const powersOfTwo = [1]; let player = 'Richard'; while (n !== 1) { player = player === 'Louise' ? 'Richard' : 'Louise'; while (powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length-1] < n) { powersOfTwo.push(powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length-1] * 2); } if (powersOfTwo.includes(n)) { n /= 2; } else if (n !== 1) { let nextLowestPowOfTwo; for (let i=0; i < powersOfTwo.length; i++) { if (powersOfTwo[i] > n) { nextLowestPowOfTwo = powersOfTwo[i-1]; break; } } n -= nextLowestPowOfTwo } } return player; }
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Counter game
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Javascript (ugly, non-math-based version)