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alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
encrypted = ""
#calculate new k if k is greater than 26
if k > 26:
k = k % 26
#rotate alphabet by k
rotated_alphabet = alphabet[k:] + alphabet[:k]
rotated_alphabet_cap = alphabet_cap[k:] + alphabet_cap[:k]
for i in range(len(s)):
#uppercase letters
if s[i].isupper():
index = alphabet_cap.index(s[i])
encrypted += rotated_alphabet_cap[index]
#lowercase letters
elif s[i].islower():
index = alphabet.index(s[i])
encrypted += rotated_alphabet[index]
#punctuation, hyphens, etc
encrypted += s[i]
return encrypted
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Caesar Cipher
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