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Do some examples on paper and then observe this patter:
The grid is always full with bombs if n is even
The grid at 3 seconds is the detonation of the initial state bombs
The grid at 5 seconds it the detonation of the grid at 3 seconds
Grids 3, 7, 11, ... are repeating
Grids 5, 9, 13, ... are repeating
So the algorithm becomes:
If n is even, return an all bomb grid
Calculate grid at three seconds
Calculate grid at five seconds
If n is 3, 7, 11, ... return three second grid
If n is 5, 9, 13, ... return five second grid
if n < 3, return initial grid
defget_detonated_grid(bomb_grid):rows=len(bomb_grid)cols=len(bomb_grid[0])detonated_grid=[]foriinrange(rows):detonated_grid.append([])forjinrange(cols):detonated_grid[i].append('O')foriinrange(rows):forjinrange(cols):ifbomb_grid[i][j]=='.':continuedetonated_grid[i][j]='.'ifi>0:detonated_grid[i-1][j]='.'ifi<rows-1:detonated_grid[i+1][j]='.'ifj>0:detonated_grid[i][j-1]='.'ifj<cols-1:detonated_grid[i][j+1]='.'returndetonated_griddefall_bomb_grid(r,c):return[['O']*c]*rdefto_output(grid):return[''.join(row)forrowingrid]defbomberMan(n,grid):ifn==1:returngridall_bombs=all_bomb_grid(r,c)ifn%2==0:returnto_output(all_bombs)# The grid at three seconds is the detonation from initial statethree_second_grid=get_detonated_grid(grid)# The grid at five seconds is the detonation from the bombs# on the three second grid# The 3, 7, 11, ... grids repeat# The 5, 9, 13, ... grids repeatifn==3or(n-3)%4==0:returnto_output(three_second_grid)else:returnto_output(get_detonated_grid(three_second_grid))
The Bomberman Game
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Do some examples on paper and then observe this patter:
So the algorithm becomes: