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Here's my disgraceful clunky code -
with main_cte as (select *, case when occupation = 'Doctor' then name end as 'Doctor_column', case when occupation = 'Professor' then name end as 'Professor_column', case when occupation = 'Singer' then name end as 'Singer_column', case when occupation = 'Actor' then name end as 'Actor_column', row_number() over(partition by occupation order by Name) as 'id' from occupations), doc_cte as (select id, Doctor_column from main_cte where occupation = 'Doctor'), prof_cte as (select id, Professor_column from main_cte where occupation = 'Professor'), sing_cte as (select id, Singer_column from main_cte where occupation = 'Singer'), act_cte as (select id, Actor_column from main_cte where occupation = 'Actor') select doc.Doctor_column, prof.Professor_column, sing.Singer_column, act.Actor_column from prof_cte prof left join sing_cte sing on = left join act_cte act on = left join doc_cte doc on =;
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Here's my disgraceful clunky code -