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The Problem really should explain what tags are expected. I googled "Pen Tree Tagset" and found the "Penn Treebank Tagset", but the tags don't match. E.g., according to the site I found, "VBN" is only for verbs that are a variation of "be", which "caught" most certainly is not.
The Problem really should explain what tags are expected. I googled "Pen Tree Tagset" and found the "Penn Treebank Tagset", but the tags don't match. E.g., according to the site I found, "VBN" is only for verbs that are a variation of "be", which "caught" most certainly is not.
The/DT planet/NN Jupiter/NNP and/CC its/PPS moons/NNS are/VBP in/IN effect/NN a/DT minisolar/JJ system/NN ,/, and/CC Jupiter/NNP itself/PRP is/VBZ often/RB called/VBN a/DT star/NN that/IN never/RB caught/VBD fire/NN ./. Using Stanford CoreNLP.But solution is not being accepted why?
Seems to me like "caught" is a past tense not a past participle. It would be a past participle if for example it was used as "has caught".
My solution is not being accepted. Verified that it is correct using the Stanford Parser.
can I use nltk for this challenge?