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if__name__=='__main__':records=[]for_inrange(int(input())):name=input()score=float(input())records.append([name,score])# Step 2: Extract grades and find second lowest unique gradegrades=sorted(set([scoreforname,scoreinrecords]))#Getuniquegradesandsortthem# Step 3: Get the second lowest gradesecond_lowest=grades[1]#Theseconduniquegrade# Step 4: Collect names of students with the second lowest gradesecond_lowest_students=[nameforname,scoreinrecordsifscore==second_lowest]# Step 5: Sort names alphabeticallysecond_lowest_students.sort()# Step 6: Print the names of students with the second lowest gradeforstudentinsecond_lowest_students:print(student)
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