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let M be the min element of machines, then M*goal is 10^18 at most = 2^64 at most
O(n * log(M * goal)), the log cannot exceed 64
long production(long days, const vector<long>& machines) { long sum = 0; for (long x : machines) sum = sum + floor(days / x); return sum; } long minTime(vector<long> machines, long goal) { long low = 0, high = *min_element(machines.begin(), machines.end()) * goal; while (low < high) { long mid = (low + high) / 2; if (production(mid, machines) < goal) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; }
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let M be the min element of machines, then M*goal is 10^18 at most = 2^64 at most
O(n * log(M * goal)), the log cannot exceed 64