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In swift. At first I add submit code and I failed in only test case 5 then I do nothing any change and jst again click submit code I passed in all test cases.
class TrieNode {
var children = Array<TrieNode?>(repeating: nil, count: 2)
func add(value: Int, index: Int) {
let bitPos = 31 - index
if bitPos < 0 { return }
let power = 1 << bitPos
let bit = (value & power) >> bitPos // Extract the bit at the current position
let remainder = value & (power - 1) // Calculate the remainder
if let child = children[bit] {
child.add(value: remainder, index: index + 1)
} else {
children[bit] = TrieNode()
children[bit]!.add(value: remainder, index: index + 1)
struct BitTrie {
let root = TrieNode()
func add(_ value: Int) {
root.add(value: value, index: 0)
func getMaxXor(_ value: Int) -> Int {
var current = root
var xorValue = 0
var remainder = value
for i in 0..<32 {
let bitPos = 31 - i
let power = 1 << bitPos
let bit = (remainder & power) >> bitPos // Extract the bit at the current position
remainder = remainder & (power - 1) // Calculate the remainder
if let child = current.children[bit ^ 1] {
xorValue += power
current = child
} else {
current = current.children[bit]!
return xorValue
// Complete the maxXor function below.
func maxXor(arr: [Int], queries: [Int]) -> [Int] {
var maxVals = [Int]()
let trie = BitTrie()
for value in arr {
for query in queries {
return maxVals
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Maximum Xor
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In swift. At first I add submit code and I failed in only test case 5 then I do nothing any change and jst again click submit code I passed in all test cases.