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My answer with Typescript,
Has runtime error with few very very large test 100.000+ that idk where cause 50kb limit test
functionanswerQuery(l:number,r:number):number{letmemo_factorial=newMap<bigint,bigint>([[0n,1n],[1n,1n]])functionfactorial(n:bigint):bigint{if(!memo_factorial.has(n)){leti_=Array.from(memo_factorial.keys()).pop()||1n;letr_=memo_factorial.get(i_)!for(leti=i_+1n;i<=n;i++){r_*=imemo_factorial.set(i,r_)}}returnmemo_factorial.get(n)!;}// 0. get the substring from [l] and [r], get [frequency]consts=str.substring(l-1,r)constfrequency=newMap<string,number>()for(letcofs)frequency.set(c,(frequency.get(c)||0)+1)/** * factorial(p_alls) * m * ------------------------------- (modulo 10^9 + 7) * factorial(p*...) * * with: * + [m]: numbers of character that odd, mean it can be middle * + [p]: colection of character that can be appears in 2 side of palidrome *//** * Update 1: Number exceeded Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER -> using BigInt * Update 2: Maximum call stack exceeded -> changes [factorial] to use for...loop insteads of recursive * Update 3: Some test timeout -> try memo * Update 4: Some test with 100.000 has runtime error, idk where cause 50kb limit custom test */// 1. calculate prepare for formularletp_alls=factorial(BigInt(Array.from(frequency.values()).reduce((_,v)=>_+Math.floor(v/2),0)))letp_each=Array.from(frequency.values()).reduce((_,v)=>_*factorial(BigInt(Math.floor(v/2))),1n)letm=BigInt(Math.max(Array.from(frequency.values()).reduce((_,v)=>_+v%2,0),1))// 2. apply formularreturnNumber((m*p_alls/p_each)%BigInt(10**9+7))}
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Maximum Palindromes
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My answer with Typescript, Has runtime error with few very very large test 100.000+ that idk where cause 50kb limit test