Maximum Palindromes


    The only trick here is to cache the frequency map, since you are going to use it for every single test in the test-range. Do not bother caching modinverse, etc. The real cost is the string manipulation. Do something like this in your initialize function

      std::vector<std::vector<int>> s_cumulativeFreq;
      void initialize(std::string s)
        std::vector<std::vector<int>>(s.size()+1, std::vector<int>(26, 0)).swap(s_cumulativeFreq);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
          auto& prevFreq = s_cumulativeFreq[i];
          auto& currFreq = s_cumulativeFreq[i + 1];
          std::copy(prevFreq.begin(), prevFreq.end(), currFreq.begin());
          ++currFreq[s[i] - 'a'];

    And of course, calculate the difference in frequencies...

    int answerQuery(int first, int last)
      auto len = last - first + 1;
      if (len == 1)
        return 1;
      std::vector<int> freqs = s_cumulativeFreq[last];  // Compute the frequencies in the range [l, r)
        auto leftIter = next(s_cumulativeFreq.begin(), first - 1); // I want to remove the entries BEFORE 'first'
        transform(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), leftIter->begin(), freqs.begin(), std::minus<int>()); // Compute the frequencies in the range [l, r]
      auto middleChars = std::count_if(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), [](int f) {return f & 1; });
      // Now I divide by 2. I only care about the left side of the palindrome
      for_each(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), [](auto& f) {f >>= 1; });
      freqs.erase(std::remove(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), 0), freqs.end());
      // Total number of chars to permutate...
      auto palindromeChars = accumulate(freqs.begin(), freqs.end(), 0, std::plus<int>());
      You can fill the rest